Tuesday, February 08, 2011

WOP First Quarterly Retreat

The wonderful ladies from Women of Purpose provided us with another weekend get away last week.  It is always so refreshing to spend time with other women missionaries working here in Honduras.  This time I was honored to be asked to lead a prayer group.  I was pretty intimidated by the idea but really enjoyed it and was blessed by the experience.  The weekend centered around developing a secret life with God and being filled by him and none other.  It was very encouraging and I have already seen evidence of it's blessing in my life.
Here are a few pictures of our experience.
Making photo boards before things got started.
The photo board I made for Rosie

Talking with old friends and meeting new friends

Preparing for worship stations

Taking time to recognize the lies satan feeds us and God's loving words of encouragement

Jen sharing with us from her experiences
Seeing friends from the retreat in October

Beth and Madeline

Juliana and Melodee

My prayer group.  I was blessed to have both of the moms with kids present in my prayer group.  It's a HUGE blessing to share the struggles of raising young kids on the mission field.

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