Monday, September 15, 2014

Sweet, Smiling Lupe

15 year old Lupe spent a couple of weeks with us after being raped by another kid living on the street.  The resources and response of the police here is often little to none and she had no where to turn.  One of our kids met her one day on the street and told her she would be safe with us.  She has since moved on to a permanent children's home more suited to 15 year old girls but she left a deep mark on my heart and I don't want her to be overlooked.  This sweet girl ALWAYS has a smile on her face.
Most kids that come through our doors, especially the first few months, try to get as much out of us as they can.  They are eager to take advantage of whatever they can get without giving too much of themselves.  Lupe was not that way.  I don't know if it was her young age or just her general vulnerable personality but she loved us from the start.

Lupe was always eager to help with any project put before her and loved to just sit and talk, without the needy characteristics a lot of our girls give off.

I pray that Lupe is able to feel loved and accepted in her new home and that God will heal the hurts she has suffered at the hands of others.  She is a precious girl and deserves a chance at a normal life.

**I'm sad to report that after writing this I found Lupe back out on the streets huffing glue.  She is very lost right now and feeling very unloved.  Please pray that we can break through the chains of abuse and addiction in Lupe's life and find a place where she feels she belongs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is heart breaking Amber I am so happy that God has worked in your life so that you can continue to help others , I love your heart .Momma