Friday, February 25, 2011

Visiting My Boys

We've recommitted to visiting the boys at 21 every Thursday.  Unfortunately it's easy to get busy and stop going.  These boys just light up when we walk in and it's truly a blessing to spend time with them.  
Here are a few pictures from yesterday.
One of the counselors with two of the special needs boys.  There are 7 special needs boys at the home who have very little chance of ever leaving and never have visitors.  One of the counselors has made it her mission to make sure they get the same attention the other kids get and we're doing our best to help her out. 

Jose de la Cruz is back and looking pretty rough.  This kid wants so bad to be loved and begs me to adopt him but his past and present with gangs is not something I can submit my children to right now.

Jose Mungia LOVES Rosie and she's pretty fond of him too.  They played together most of the time we were there.

Melvin and Courtney.  One of the counselors said Melvin was having a rough week behaviorally.  Please pray that he is able to work on his behavior and find a successful placement.

The little guy is Carlos and one of my favorite kids at the home right now.  He is so young and just looks so vulnerable.  Pray that his heart isn't hardened by his difficult life.
Angel is also back and asking about Alli.  This kid speaks great English and is from a fairly affluent background but can't seem to leave his dangerous friends behind.

Each of the boys at 21 have a different but equally disturbing story.  I pray that God's love finds a place in their hearts and is able to see them through the battles they wage every day against drugs, desperation, and fear.

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